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Curriculum You Can Trust.

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Funded by the National Science Foundation.

Meets Next Generation Science Standards.

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Invited company at the 2021 - 2023 Department of Education Expo.


Supported & Recognized Impact Project at WDC 2024.

Why XplorStem?


Project-Based Learning

Students learn by completing projects that solve problems faced by real scientists past and present!

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Securing a Brighter Future

Science provides opportunities for students of all backgrounds and solutions to problems that improve our quality of life and impact our very existence.

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Critical Thinking Skills

XplorStem's teaching method emphasizes independent and critical thinking skills in students of all ages preparing them for their future career and life choices.




We love that the kids were engaged in the materials as much as the experiments. It made them feel like real scientists that were researching, developing and logging their activities.

 - Bethany Lawson

Homeschool Teacher


I could not believe it when I saw my kids using the Scientific Method for fun! They designed their own experiments after they finished the XplorStem book and even graphed the results!

 - Coleen

Homeschool Teacher


My co-op was really impressed with how easy everything was to set up and go over with the kids and that the educational standards were included.

 - Bethany

Co-Op Leader


During the COVID lock-downs, I was shocked that the first subject to go was science! XplorStem is an important resource for parents who understand the importance of a science education. 

 - Lauren

Mother of 2


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